Balkan Venture Forum

Balkan Venture Forum će se održati 22. i 23. novembra u Beogradu, to je događaj koji ima za cilj da spoji inovativne regionalne preduzetnike sa vodećim izvorima kapitala iz cele Evrope. Prema najavi organizatora, među čak 400 planiranih učesnika biće i 40 investitora sa ukupnim kapitalom u visini od 3 milijarde evra. Događaj organizuje Balkan Unlimited Srbija u saradnji sa Europe Unlimited.
Od lokalno poznatih imena učesnici će moći da vide i čuju CEO-ove Nordeusa i Limunda, Branka Milutinovića i Vladimira Nikolića, te predstavnike Fonda za inovacionu delatnost, RSG Capitala i Elevena.
Thursday, 22nd November
High Level Policy Meeting (HLPM)
- GoS, Ministry of Finance and Economy
- NARD, SIEPA, National Institutional stakeholders
- DG Enterprise and Industry
- DG Innovation and Research
- European Investment Bank
- World Bank, IFC
- European Investment Fund
- Serbian Private Equity Association
- Private sector representatives (Investors and Entrepreneurs)
- International donor programs (European Union, USAid, GIZ…)
- Balkan Unlimited
11:30 – 12:30
12:30 – 13:30
Official opening (Opening Day 1) Keynote addresses
- Serbian Government High Level Representative
- Strategic partner’s representatives
- Branko Milutinović, CEO @ Nordeus
13:30 – 14:15
Panel 1: Investment & Growth Outlook in the Balkans |
Senior representatives of the investment community debate as to where they see the investment and growth opportunities across sectors and regions in the Balkans: |
- Marko Curavić, Head of Unit
European Commision DG Enterprise and Industry – Enrepreneurship - Yannis Tsakiris, Head of Region, Regional Business Development
European Investment Fund - Andreas Beikos,
Head of Representative Office for the Western Balkans,
European Investment Bank - David Schoch
President of Serbian Private Equity Association - Božidar Đelić,
Former Vice President of Serbian Government and Minister of Science
William Stevens, CEO and Founder
Europe Unlimited
14:15 – 15:00
Reverse pitching – Investors’ Profiles (RP Pitching 1) |
3 to 5 minutes presentations of the focus and activities of present private equity and VC funds representatives |
15:00 – 15:30
15:30 – 17:45
European Venture Contest – Semi Finals Belgrade (First Day)
- Company Pitching Competition ICT (main stage)
- Company Pitching Competition Clean tech + Life Science (side stages)
- 7 + 8 minutes presentation format (presentation + feedback) in front of the investors panels
17:45 – 18:30
Panel 2: Successfully raising money |
Experienced investors, entrepreneurs & advisors provide recommendations how to best raise start-up and growth funding from the right sources Marcin Hejka, Managing Director Intel Capital |
- Ljiljana Kundakovic,
Director Serbian innovation Fund - Maxim Gurvits,
Eleven Startup Accelerator, Bulgaria - Marius Ghenea,
Venture Connect - Vladimir Nikolić, GM and Founder
Johan Gorecki – Globe Forum
Friday, 23 November
One on one meetings |
Innovation Fair |
9:30 – 10:30
Presentations and Lectures (Opening Day2) |
2 or 3 Key note presentations delivered by high profiled guests on innovation, investment and entrepreneurship trends, technologies etc. |
- Dr. Eli Opper,
Ex Chief Israely Scientist
Technology Trends and Future Opportunities for Entrepreneurs - Nicolas Gabrysch,
Partner @ Osborne Clarke
Myths of Venture Capital and its Terms – how do VCs invest
10:30 – 11:00
11:00 – 11:45
Panel 3: Transforming science into innovative businesses
Specialists on tech transfer, intellectual property, incubation, acceleration and investment-readiness discuss the best
strategies to build a real business on top of technology:
- Dr. Clarisse Molad,
Scholar and Consultant - Aly Dossa, Partner
OshaLiang, Advocates of Innovation, Houston, USA - Angelos Manglis, President and Managing Director
Atlantis Research - Martin McReynolds, Team Leader
Integrated Innovation Support Program - Bratislav Stanković, Science and Tech Advisor
Cabinet of the President, Republic of Macedonia
Michael Gold – Managing Director at Crimson Capital Corp
11:45 – 12:30
Reverse Pitching 2 – Investors Profiles |
3 to 5 minutes presentations of the focus and activities of present private equity and VC funds |
12:30 – 13:45
13:45 – 16:00
European Venture Contest – Semi Finals Belgrade
- Company Pitching Competition ICT (main stage)
- Company Pitching Competition Clean tech + Life Science (side stage)
16:00 – 16:45
Panel 4: Internationalisation & growth strategies |
Corporate investors & entrepreneurs debate the better approaches to grow and internationalise Balkan-based businesses: |
- Richard Murbeck
Spintop Private Partners, Eferio, Seavus Group - Natalia Meylunas
Head of Regional Program, Small Business Support Team @ EBRD - Johan Gorecki
Globe Forum; Founding Team of Skype - Jure Mikuž
Managing Director and Partner; RSG Capital
Dušan Kaličanin – Entrepreneur, Tech Culture Community Leader and Activist
16:45 – 17:00
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Autor: ITD Ekipa