Cisco Expo 2012

Jedanaesta po redu, Cisco Expo konferencija će se održati u Beogradu 20. i 21. marta 2012. godine u hotelu Hyatt Regency. Slogan ovogodišnje konferencije je “Innovate together”, a inovace kao pokretač novih poslovnih ideja je u centru Cisco-vog poslovanja.
Sveobuhvatna mrežna infrastruktura je osnova i platforma svake kompanije, kao i zajednički imenitelj najvećih promena na tržištu – cloud computing, virtualizacija, video i kolaboracija. Predstavićemo najnovija Cisco rešenja iz ovih oblasti, a demonstracije uživo će biti predstvljene u izložbenom delu. Naši partneri će podeliti s Vama najzanimljivije studije slučaja implementacije Cisco rešenja kod korisnika iz prethodne godine. Cisco Expo konferencija će i ove godine biti prilika za druženje, upoznavanje i razmenu iskustava, uz bogat društveni program. Cisco Expo konferencija će jedanaesti put za redom okupiti tehnološke eksperte, poslovne ljude i donosioce odluka iz oblasti informacionih tehnoloija iz najuspešnijih domaćih i stranih kompanija, inženjere, predstavnike kompanije Cisco iz inostranstva, članove Vlade, vodeće Cisco partnere, servis provajdere, studente Net Akademije, mala i srednja preduzeća, predstavnike medija i druga značajna imena iz IT tržišta u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori.
Utorak, 20. mart 2012.
08.00 – 09.00 |
Registracija |
09.00 – 9.30 |
Svečano otvaranje i reč dobrodošlice – Goran Obradović, Direktor, Cisco Srbija |
9.30 – 10.30 |
Innovate together – Michael Ganser, SVP Central, Cisco |
10.30 – 11.15 |
Pauza |
Sala A | Sala B | Sala C | Sala D | |
11.15 – 12.15 | Cisco Collaboration novosti, Maciej Osiecki* | Cisco inovacije u rutingu, Mitko Vasilev* | UCS & Nexus1000 virtualizacija za cloud DC servise, Ulrich Hamm* | Konvergencija ruterskog i optičkog domena, Đorđe Vulović |
12.15 – 13.15 | Kontakt centar novosti, Darko Zlatić | Cisco Unified Access, Juergen Braun* | Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud – Demo, Justin Yancey* | Cisco SP portfolio za pristup i agregaciju, Marko Vukadinović |
13.15 – 14.00 |
Ručak |
14.00 – 15.00 | Tranzicija prema IPv6 – gde se nalazimo danas?, Josef Ungerman* | Routing & Switching novosti, Luka Markota | Data centar dizajn za mala i srednja preduzeća , Mihai Florin Mincu* | Cisco Prime NMS rešenja za SP, Dirk Anteunis* |
15.00 – 15.45 | V-Infrastruktura, prvi korak ka Cloud transformaciji – Dejan Živanović i Žarko Stupar, EMC | Partnerska prezentacija | Cloud for the Enterprise, NetApp Enables a Flexible, Efficient Foundation – Bernd Dultinger, NetApp | Projekat digitalizacije u JP Emisiona tehnika i veze |
15.45 – 16.45 | Cisco CIUS-prvi poslovni tablet, Aleksandar Vulović | Cisco ISE za siguran pristup mreži, Gyorgy Acs* | Povezivanje distribuiranih virtualizovanih data centara, Višnja Milovanović | Cisco RF Gateway novosti, Bernhard Stascheit* |
Sreda, 21. mart 2012.
Sala A | Sala B | Sala C | Sala D | |
09.00 – 10.00 | Cisco Jabber, Vedran Hafner | ASR 1000 novosti, Gerd Pflueger * | ASR 9000 Deep Dive – sesija #1, Christian Schmutzer* | Cisco DCM Deep Dive, Bojan Nedelčev |
10.00 – 11.00 | Cisco Virtualization eXperience Infrastructure, Martina Herceg Jungić & Josip Zimet | Wireless novosti, Luka Markota | ASR 9000 Deep Dive – sesija #2, Christian Schmutzer* | Cisco D9036 Deep Dive, Bojan Nedelčev |
11.00 – 11.15 |
Pauza |
11.15 – 12:00 | Data Centar za EGovernment, Bojana Pavlica Saga | Cisco Telepresence rešenja u poslovnom okruženju, Nikola Marković MDS | Savremeni data centri u primeni, Mladen Krivokuća Asseco | The future of Video Delivery: OTT Multiscreen system implementation overview, Jelena Kljujić |
12.00 – 12.45 | More then Connectivity, Srđan Tomašević SBB | Cisco IPICS – Integrisana platforma za interoperabilnost i kolaboraciju u oblasti fizičke bezbednosti, Dragan Ilić Com-4T | Comtrade, partnerska prezentacija | ViBRICK – kompletno rešenje za Data Centar, Dragan Miladinović i Žarko Stupar RRC |
12.45 – 13.30 |
Ručak |
13.30 – 14.30 |
Keynote prezentacija – gost iznenađenja |
14.30 – 15.30 | Mrežni servisi u virtualizovanim data centrima, Tomas Michaeli* | Cisco Security novosti, Dragan Novaković | SP WiFi sesija #1 – Core Sergei Gotchev*/Đorđe Vulović | M-CMTS Deep Dive, David Keane-Mirajkar* |
15.30 – 16.30 | SAP i Cisco u privatnom oblaku, Josip Zimet | Cisco Email i Web security novosti, Hrvoje Dogan | SP WiFi sesija #2 – Access, Dragan Novakovic/Đorđe Vulović | Implementacija TV Everywhere servisa, Marko Vukadinović |
16.30 – 17.00 |
Ceremonija svečanog zatvaranja |
21.00 – |
Žurka |
*Sva predavanja su na srpskom
Opisi prezentacija
Michael Ganser Growth in disruptive Times: inventing the Future!
Session description: As Globalization moves forward so does the need for companies and governments to increase their global competitiveness. Michael will share the latest view on Serbia in terms of Global Competitiveness and which role Information Technology plays today and in the future for this country. He will describe the current change from an information economy into a networked economy and the impact for the society, the business and the technology. A live demonstration will show the capabilities of Information Technology and how companies can transform their business to the next level and how they can serve their customers better than they did ever before. Biography:Michael Ganser serves as the Senior Vice President for the Central Theater, Cisco’s largest region within the Europe, Middle East, Africa and Russia (EMEAR) theater. He is responsible for 17 countries across the central and eastern European region. Ganser has been with Cisco for more than 15 years, during which time he has served as a manager in over 20 countries in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Most recently he was responsible for the DACH (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) region and the leader for the enterprise customer segment on a European level. As Chairman of the Board of Cisco Germany from 2005 to 2010, he grew this division into Cisco’s second largest market. Under his stewardship Cisco launched the D2012 initiative, a program to build strategic support for key areas of activity in Germany, thereby making a valuable contribution to economic and social growth. Before that he ran operations in Central and Eastern Europe and was Vice President Sales, responsible for service provider activities in Europe and the Near East. He began at Cisco as general manager for the Swiss business.During his period of leadership, Cisco has been among the top four positions as the Best Employer in Germany from 2007 to 2010. On top of this, Cisco was honored in 2008 with the Fairness Award from the Great Place to Work Institute. He is often invited to speak at European IT and business trade shows and conferences.
Juergen Braun Cisco Unified Access
Session description: Technology and solution advancements across the Unified Access Catalyst portfolio set new standards in service capabilities, platform flexibility, security aspects and energy efficiency. On top – Cisco Prime delivers a converged user and access management for wired and wireless networks. This presenter will discuss the necessary enhancements to build a future proof Unified Access Solution Biography:Juergen Braun, based in Frankfurt, is a Consulting Systems Engineer in the Core Team within Cisco Central Europe . He is focused on enterprise campus solutions.
Maciej Osiecki Cisco Collaboration novosti
Session description: The session will be focused on what is new in: Cisco Telepresence solutions (including ex-Tandberg and legacy Cisco portfolio integration), Webex (new functionalities, oneTouch, Call Back in Serbia), UC virtualization, New IP Phones and EnergyWise. Biography:Maciej Osiecki joined Cisco in 2006 as Associate Systems Engineer at Cisco Sales Associates Program in Amsterdam.Since then he held a number of technical positions covering Poland, Baltic Countries and Central Europe.He is currently a Systems Engineer responsible for Collaboration in South East Europe.Maciej holds M. Sc. Eng. in Telecommunications and M. Sc. in Management and Economics from Technical University of Gdansk, Poland.
Dimitar (Mitko) Vasilev Cisco inovacije u rutingu
Session description: For the routers to provide functions to application traffic, they need to be able to classify, share information and understand the traffic. Application Awareness technologies (NBAR2, FNF, Metadata/Media Services Proxy) provide classification methodologies and drive functions in traffic routing policy (like QoS, PfR, FNF, WAAS etc.) that allow for easier, accelerated and scalable WAN deployments. We will review the current state of this problem and provide technology dive as well as the introduction of complementary new technologies like medianet metadata and media services proxy. A use case will be provided as the basis of the presentation covering the core features and illustrating the impact of AVC solution on the Application Awareness portfolio. Usage guidelines as well as positioning will be covered. Biography:Mitko is Consulting Engineer in the Core Technologies Team working for EMEA Central. He is working for 9 years with Cisco. At the moment his focus is in Routing and Switching products and solutions. His focus are innovative solutions and future looking network designs. Mitko holds degree form the Technical University of Sofia and is certified in CCIE Service Provider.
Justin Yancey Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud – Demo
Session description: This session features a demonstration of cloud automation using Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud (CIAC). The environment is based on Cisco’s VMDC architecture for secure multi-tenanted hosting (using UCS, Nexus, 6500 and ASR), and will showcase each of the various components of CIAC and how they fit together, including the self service portal, the process orchestrator and the server provisioner. In this session we will briefly discuss the VMDC topology, and will then jump straight into creating a secured, isolated “Virtual Data Centre” (VDC). We will then use this VDC to demonstrate creating and modifying virtual machines in VMWare, as well as provisioning physical servers on UCS blades and automating SAN storage on NetApp. Recommended for people with technical knowledge in networking and/or servers who are considering investing in their own Cloud. Biography:Justin is a Automation Specialist from Australia, currently working at the Cisco Customer Proof of Concept lab in London. His primary focus is Cloud Orchestration on the Cisco UCS and Nexus platforms, and has developed cloud automation demonstrations using Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud and BMC Cloud Lifecycle Manager. He has a Masters degree in Information Technology, as well as certifications in various Microsoft Technologies.
Gyorgy Acs Cisco ISE za siguran pristup mreži
Session description: 2012 should be another year of large-scale consumer adoption of smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. This explosion in the variety of devices generates more complexity for enterprises and organizations that need to evolve their corporate Network Access Control ( NAC) Policy. To answer those needs, Cisco has developed a complete system called TrustSec and brought to market a new generation of policy server: Identity Services Engine (ISE). In this session you will have the opportunity to discover how TrustSec with ISE can help solve advanced Network Access Control scenarios. It will focus on TrustSec and its deployment through cases studies for Wireless, Wired 802.1X and VPN. You will understand how to manage and control a heterogeneous environment with automatic device identification, posture assessment and guest access management. Understanding of 802.1X deployment in Wired and WiFi as well as NAC Appliance or NAC Framework is a plus. Migration paths will be discussed. This session is intended for Network, Wireless and Security experts. Biography:Gyorgy has joined Cisco Systems in 1999 as a Systems Engineer responsible for VoIP and IP telephony technologies. He started the security focus from 2001 and he became a Consulting Systems Engineer in 2005. From 2008 he works as a regional Consulting SE supporting different markets, currently he supports EMEAR Central. The security focused technical community frequently invites him presenting on industry conferences, representing Cisco. Before Cisco he worked for Ericsson where he was a Solution Engineer for VoIP and transmission products. Gyorgy holds a diploma in electric engineering from the Technical University of Budapest, where he was a PhD student and developed DSP based voice coding applications. He is a Certified Ethical Hacker, CEH, and member of European Security TAG of ISE and TrustSec.
Bojan Nedelčev Cisco DCM Deep Dive Session
Session description: DCM Product Family, Chassis and DCM modules, DCM Key Features, DCM New Features in detail. Acquisition – DCM DRD module for satellite reception and decryption Processing – DCM MFP module for Multi Format Processing DVB-T SFN – ASI SFN I/O module V2 DCM Configuration and Licensing Cisco D9036 Deep Dive Session Session description: D9036 Encoder Platform Overview, D9036 Chassis and module description, Modular functionality, Block Diagram, Virtual Encoder Concept, Redundancy scenarios, D9036 statmux concepts, D9036 Configuration and Licensing Biografija:Sistem inženjer u CISCO SPVTG od 2008, zadužen za pre-sales support na području Emerging East, sada South East Europe. Radi na izradu Video rešenja i arhitektura vezanih za SP market sa specijalizacijom na Cable rešenja i Interaktivne aplikacije za Cable segment. Prethodno radio kao nezavisni DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) konsultant na različitim projektima integracije video rešenja za više operatora u Evropi i šire. Najznačajniji projekti Cablecom Gmbh – Switzerland, KabelDeutschland, Premiere – Germany, Polsat Cyfrowi – Poland, Golden Channels – Israel. Karieru u DVB započeo u Torontu, Kanada 1995 godine, kao software developer za digitalne Set Top Box-ove. Diplomirao elektrotehniku na Univerzitetu u Skoplju, Makedonija 1993 godine.
Luka Markota Routing & Switching novosti
Session description: This session will describe latest Cisco innovations and products in the field of enterprise Routing and Switching as well as benefits of Borderless network architecture. Session will go through access switching, core switching and enterprise routing product innovations. Wireless novosti Session description: This session will describe latest Cisco innovations and products in the field of enterprise wireless. It will cover new hardware and products as well as software innovations that enable business to go mobile in their everyday life. Biography:Luka Markota works for Cisco since 2005 on various technical presales positions. Currently, he is working as Consulting Systems Engineer for South East Europe area. His technical focus are enterprise routing and switching technologies and wireless LANs.
Ulrich Hamm UCS and Nexus1000 Virtualization for Cloud DC Services
Session description: Cisco cloud infrastructure deployment will be discussed using Cisco UCS Virtualization technologies and Nexus1000V security and Virtualization enhancements. The session will introduce several experiences with high-profile cloud IaaS deployments and will demonstrate the benefits of Cisco’s cutting-edge End-to-End Virtualization technologies. The topic is relevant for both SP and Enterprise architects, engineers and system integrators interested in building new IaaS facilities Biography:Urlich is Technical Solution Architect , responsible for the Data Center Technology Area – Data Center Switching LAN & SAN and the Unified Computing System (UCS). Including Planing, Design , Sizing and implementation of Data Center Infrastructure and Solutions for Enterprise and Service Provider Customers.
Gerd Pflueger ASR1000 novosti
Session description: ASR1000 is an innovative Cisco router w/ many services, protocols and interfaces. The presentation will give an overview of the routers models and architecture. All new information on HW and SW including the roadmap will be presented. Biography:Gerd is a Consulting Systems Engineer within Cisco Central Europe and based in Munich. As the leader for routing and switching technology and the VT team in Germany he is primarily responsible for large projects in the WAN, LAN and Datacenter designs in the Enterprise environment. Additionally he works as an interface into the Cisco Central Europe management and the corporate business units and covers routing and switching at fairs/conferences/exhibitions. Gerd’s actual technical focus is on infrastructure for campus and datacenter w/ MPLS, OTV, FabricPath and LISP.
Bernhard Stascheit Cisco RF Gateway novosti
Session description: The session will give an overview over latest product developments in the RFGW product line with specific focus on RFGW10 and its new DS-384 linecard. Biography:Before joining Cisco in 2006 as Market Manager EMEA for HFC Access equipment Bernhard was for 14 years with Motorola. He held various positions in HFC development and technical marketing with focus on European customers while working in Germany and the US. Today Bernhard is Market Manager for Cisco’s Cable Access Business Unit (CABU) mainly serving Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa.
Christian Schmutzer Cisco ASR 9000 Platform Update
Session description: During this Session you will learn about the new Hardware and Software Features that have been introduced in November 2011 with the Availability of IOS XR 4.2.0 for the ASR 9000 Series Routers. WE will also discuss the Role of the ASR 9000 in Next Generation Networks, its Platform Strategy and Evolution. Cisco ASR 9000 NV Technology Session description: Cisco NV Technology does allow Network Operators to apply the Concept of Virtualization onto the Network Infrastructure allowing for great OPEX savings and a simpler and easier to deploy Network Architecture. During this Session we will cover the details and benefits of nV Edge and Satellite which will be available with the next IOS XR release for the ASR 9000. Biography:M.S., Senior Technical Marketing Engineer at Cisco Systems, has been with the company since 1998. Until 2005 he has been working primarily on the design and deployment of large service provider backbones and concentrated on optical networking as well as routing technologies. In 2005 he joined the Cisco development organization and is driving as a technical expert the product development and marketing strategy for the ASR9000 and Cisco7600 series router platforms.
David Keane-Mirajkar M-CMTS Deep Dive
Session description: To keep pace with the market pressures of providing higher DOCSIS Downstream and Upstream speeds, operators are demanding higher density Line cards and more MAC DOMAIN Flexibility in the CMTS platform to facilitate this. Modular CMTS architectures achieve this. This presentation will discuss the flexibility of M-CMTS in scaling to the higher density required, High availability and design concepts. Biography:A Cisco consulting Systems Engineer who for the past 12 years at Cisco has been focusing on the Cable operator segment. During his tenure at Cisco David has been engaged with all the major MSO’s (Multiple Service Operators) in Europe to help with many technical transitions over the past decade and challenges Cable Operators have faced. DOCSIS 3.0 and CCAP, BSOD and VDOC remain very much in focus in David’s remit. Previous to Cisco a 9 year tenure at now the Virgin Media Group holding many positions in an IP/Data Engineering field.
Dragan Novaković Security novosti
Opis prezentacije: Predavanjem ćemo pokriti najnovije vesti koje se tiču Cisco Bezbednosti. Detaljne vesti koje se tiču firewall platform-e ASA 5500 srije, novosti o najnovijim ASA Software Release, AnyConnect klijenta i VPN tehnologija i ostalih Cisco bezbednosnih rešenja. SP WiFi Session #2 Opis prezentacije: Sesija će se baviti novostima iz oblasti wireless tehnologija – novim Cisco wireless kontrolerima i modelima AP, sa posebnim fokusom Cisco outdoor i Wireless Mesh rešenja. Biografija:Diplomirao na ETF-u Beogradu, poslednjih 15 godina se aktivno bavi komunikacionim mrežama i računarskim telekomunikacijama, prvo u Računarskom centru Univerziteta u Beogradu, a poslednjih 5 godina zaposlen u Cisco Srbija na poziciji sistem inženjera zaduženog za korisnike u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. Poseduje Cisco Security CCIE Certifikat i posebno se fokusira na arhitekture bezbednosti, wireless, routing i switching tehnologija.
Aleksandar Vulović Cisco Cius-prvi poslovni tablet
Opis prezentacije: U ovoj sesiji predstavićemo Cisco Cius, jedinstven poslovni tablet koji poseduje čitavu paletu aplikacija za kolaboraciju i komunikaciju namenjenih poslovnom korisnicima koji žele potpunu mobilnost, bilo gde, bilo kada, bez ograničenja. AppHQ je ekosistem aplikacija za CIUS koji pruža nove načine za stvaranje, korišćenje i uvođenje aplikacija za tablet računare unutar kompanija. Na sesiji će biti demonstrirana integracija CIUS-a sa Telepresence sistemom, organizovanje Webex sastanaka putem CIUS-a, Email, Calendar, Chat, Phone & VDI klijent na CIUS-u, AppHQ i drugo. Biografija:Diplomirao na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Beogradu 1997. godine na smeru za Telekomunikacije, posle čega je u kompanijama Informatika i Saga učestvovao u dizajnu i implementaciji različitih računarskih i komunikacionih mreža baziranih na Cisco tehnologijama. Kao sistem inženjer, zaposlen u Cisco Srbija od 2005. godine. Specijalista je za objedinjene komunikacije i routing & switching tehnologije.
Darko Zlatić Kontakt centar novosti
Session description: This session presents an overview of the Cisco Unified Contact Center Express and Enterprise solution and highlights the new features, including Finesse and SocialMiner. The session is designed for contact center planners, users and administrators who want an update on the system. Biography:Darko joined Cisco in 2005 and today works as a Technical Consultant in the EMEAR Markets Customer Collaboration sales team. Prior to his current role, he worked as a Solutions Architect within Cisco Advanced Services in North America. Prior to Cisco, Darko’s career embraced a variety of positions, including Software Designer, Custom Development Engineer and Product Manager. Darko has been engaged in the Contact Centre industry for more than twelve years, working for major contact centre vendors and delivering a significant contribution to a number of software products, custom integrations and deployment projects worldwide. He holds a master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering, as well as the Cisco Certified Voice Professional certification and continues to relish expanding his knowledge.
Josef Ungerman Tranzicija prema IPv6 – gde se nalazimo danas?
Session description: IPv4 exhaust and IPv6 deployment in Wireline and Mobile. Carrier Grade NAT, RFC4787, differences between NAT and Firewall, transparency, security, logging, scale and design rules. IPv6 transition designs, dual-stack, 6RD, DS-Lite, 464. Avoiding dual-stack and NAT64. Related Cisco products for ASR9000, CRS, GSR, ASR1000. Biography:Josef joined Cisco in 1999 as a Systems Engineer in Prague, Czech Republic, holding a M.S. degree from the University of West Bohemia. He earned his routing and switching CCIE certification in 2000 and over last 10 years, he has been working in the Service Provider pre-sales technical support environment, including challenger, cable, mobile and telecom segments. In 2006 he became a consulting engineer in Service Provider Architectures area, and then joined IP NGN architects team in Central & Eastern Europe region. Currently he has been focusing on the Next-Generation Internet, National IP/MPLS infrastructures and RAN design, IPv6, as well as proof-of-concept testing in SP Core, Edge, and Carrier Ethernet Access/Aggregation areas.
Martina Herceg Jungić Cisco Virtualization eXperience Infrastructure
Opis prezentacije: Cisco Virtualization Experience Infrastructure (VXI) omogućuje virtualizaciju desktopa i virtuelni workspace koji nudi odlično iskustvo korišćenja glasa i videa na desktopu. Cisco VXI smanjuje rizik i pojednostavljuje implementaciju kroz proverene i u potpunosti testirane sisteme sastavljene od Data Centar, Mrežne i Collaboration arhitekture sa integrisanim rešenjima naših eko sistem partnera. Biografija:Martina radi u Ciscu kao Collaboration Product Sales Specialist u South East Europe regiji. Ciscu se pridruzila pre 11 godina kao Graduate Trainee i od tada je radila sa raznim tehnologijama sa korisnicima u SMB, Enterprise i SP segmentu. Uz Collaboration, specijalizacije su joj Routing i Switching (CCIE) i Data Center tehnologije.
Višnja Milovanović Povezivanje distribuiranih virtualizovanih data centara
Opis prezentacije: U ovoj sesiji fokusiracemo se na Data Centar Interconnect arhitekturu i diskutovati o različitim tehnologijama koje omogucuju LAN i SAN ekstenziju između dva ili više data centara, kao i tehnologijama za optimizaciju putanje saobracaja ka distribuiranim data centrima. Pričacemo o multitenant scarijima, kao i primeni u Enterprise i Service Provider okruženju. Posebnu pažnju cemo posvetiti inovativnim tehnologijama kao što su FabricPath i Overlay Transport Virtualization koje omogucuju implementaciju LAN ekstenzije uz limitaciju ili smanjenje zavisnoti od Spanning Tree protokola. Videcemo kako se postiže jednostavno, skalabilno i robusno ekstendovanje L2 domena u više active-active ili active-standby data centara Biografija:Višnja Milovanović je kao consulting system inženjer odgovorna za data centar rešenja i tehnologije virtualizacije u zemljama jugoistočne Evrope u Cisco Systems. Na poziciji sistem inženjera u Cisco-u je od 2007 godine, kada se pridružila timu sistem inženjera u Beogradu posle uspešno završene Cisco Sales Akademije u Cisco Holandija. Kao diplomirani inženjer elektrotehnike u Cisco-u se specijalizovala za data centar tehnologije, kao i voice i video rešenja.
Marko Vukadinović Implementacija TV Everywhere servisa
Opis prezentacije: Danasnji trendovi vezani za video tehnologiju jasno pokazuju da krajnji korisnici zele da konzumiraju video sadrzaje bez obzira gde se nalazili i koji im je uredjaj na raspolaganju u tom trenutku. Sesija ima za cilj pregled TV Everywhere tehnologija, koje omogucavaju ponudu premium sadrzaja na razlicitim uredjajima preko mreza nad kojima operateri nemaju direktnu kontrolu. Sesija ce pokriti razlicite aspekte TV Everywhere arhitekture ukljucujuci Adaptive Bitrate tehnologiju, raspolozive i buduce DRM tehnologije, nacine obrade i distribucije video sadrzaja, kao i trendove i pravce razvoja u okviru ove oblasti. Cisco SP portfolio za pristup i agregaciju Opis prezentacije: Sesija ce dati pregled novosti vezanih za access i aggregation domen Service Provider mreza. Tokom sesije bice prikazane novosti vezane za nove platforme u okviru Cisco Systems portfolia – Cisco ASR 901, Cisco ASR 903, Cisco ME-3600X, arhitekturalne inovacije vezan za ovaj domen, kao i funkcionalnosti koje su relevantne za access i aggregation domen i inovacije u okviru ovog domena. Biografija:Marko Vukadinović je sistem inženjer, zaposlen u Cisco Srbija od 2007. godine. U proteklih deset godina učestvovao je u dizajnu i implementaciji razlicitih projekata vezanih za servis provajdere u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. Specijalizacije su mu access/aggregation mreže i video tehnologije, sa posebnim fokusom na implementacije vezane za servis provajdere.
Nikola Marković, MDS Primena Cisco TelePresence rešenja u poslovnom okruženju
Opis prezentacije: Prezentacija prolazi kroz osnovne pojmove vezane za videoconferencing / Cisco TelePresence, kao i standardne infrastrukturne elemente koji se koriste u arhitekturi takvog sistema. Posebna pažnja je posvećena naprednim tehnologijama inkorporiranim u Cisco (ex Tandberg) uređajima. Konkretna primena i korist Cisco TelePresence rešenja biće prikazana na primeru realizovane implementacije u okviru organizacije sa kompletnom centralnom infrastrukturom, gde End Point uređaji, postavljeni na više razuđenih lokacija, omogućavaju stalnu kolaboraciju i komunikaciju “licem u lice”. Biografija:Nikola Marković je diplomirao na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Beogradu, na odseku za telekomunikacije. Radi kao sistem inženjer u kompaniji MDS Informatički inženjering od 2009. godine. Specijalizovan za rad na projektima vezanim za IP telefoniju i videoconferencing / Cisco TelePresence.
Dragan Ilić, com-4T Cisco IPICS – Integrisana IP platforma za interoperabilnost i kolaboraciju u oblasti fizičke bezbednosti
Opis prezentacije: Cisco IPICS (IP Interoperability and collaboration system) pokazuje kako da opravdate ulaganja u postojeći sistem fizičke bezbednosti istovremeno koristeći postojeću IP baziranu mrežnu i voice/radio infrastrukturu. Ova tehnologija obezbedjuje naprednu nadzornu kontrolu, UHF/VHF radio interoperabilnost, notifikaciju u smislu prvog poziva u slucaju nekog dogadjaja, kao i integraciju sa postojecom IP telefonijom, mobilnim uredjajima i radnim stanicama. Rešenje je izuzetno skalabilno, a svojim radom omogucćuje da komunikacionoj opremi koju već posedujete dodate napredne i nove mogućnosti. Zainteresovani će imati mogućnost da pogledaju uživo demo opremu i testno okruženje sa IPICS sistemom kao centralnom komponentom, a predvidjena sesija posvećena navedenom rešenju ima za cilj da tehnički približi interoperabilnost i kolaboraciju izmedju različitih komponenti kompletnog sistema – prenos glasa, slike, dogadjaja putem IP i radio mreže. Biografija:Dragan Ilić radi u com-4T od 2008. godine, na poziciji Rukovodioca za tehnicku podrsku. Diplomirao je na Vojnotehnickoj akademiji u Beogradu, smer telekomunikacije. Ima više od 6 godina iskustva u polju telekomunikacija, a poslednjih 5 godina aktivno radi na projektima implementacije i integracije Cisco tehnologija i rešenja. Od 2009. godine je aktivan Cisco instruktor – Certified Cisco Systems Instructor ( CCSI#33570). Za svo vreme rada, fokus su mu infrastrukturne IP tehnologije, voice tehnologije I Cloud resenja. Kao aktivan CCSI instruktor najčešće je angažovan za specijalističke Cisco autorizovane kurseve iz oblasti R&S i voice.
Bernd Dultinger, Sales Manager Eastern Europe, NetApp Cloud for the Enterprise, NetApp Enables a Flexible, Efficient Foundation
Opis prezentacije: Cloud computing is much talked about nowadays. Data is central to any cloud architecture and NetApp is the leading virtualization and cloud storage provider. In his presentation, Bernd Dultinger speaks about the fundamentals of a flexible infrastructure to be well prepared for the introduction of a successful cloud implementation now or in the future. Biografija: Bernd Dultinger is Regional Sales Manager Eastern Europe at NetApp. In this role he signs responsible to drive business growth of NetApp’s Storage- and Data Management Efficiency Solutions, as well as further develop the Partner and Service Partner business in the region. He has broad international experience in the IT industry with a 10 years plus experience in the markets of Eastern Europe. Before NetApp he held several management positions at CA Software until 2006 and successfully developed the Channel and Alliance business in key markets like Austria, Switzerland, Turkey, Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
Dejan Živanović, EMC
Opis prezentacije: The potential of cloud computing is that of a flexible, shared pool of preconfigured and integrated computing resources that enables organizations to deliver better IT services faster, more reliably, and at a lower cost than with traditional data center models. EMC simplifies and accelerates deployment of cloud computing by integrating state-of-the art technology. Session will cover EMC core storage portfolio integration with virtualization platforms as well will focus on vBlock and vBrick converged infrastructure offering jointly develop with Cisco and vmWare. . Biografija: Dejan Živanović has over 15 years’ experience in the IT industry and over 8 years with EMC. Leading technical presales teams in the region and responsible for technical sales and solutions positioning. Specialized in Storage Systems, Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, Data Center Technology, Virtualization and Cloud transformation.
Hrvoje Dogan Cisco Email i Web security novosti
Opis prezentacije: Kratak prikaz novosti u Cisco Content Security svetu: AsyncOS 7.6 za e-mail, sa podrskom za IPv6 i mnogim drugim novostima; AsyncOS 7.5 za Web sa novim načinom skeniranja malware-a; novosti iz Ciscove ponude cloud rešenja za e-mail i Web sigurnost, s fokusom na evropske korisnike. Biografija: Hrvoje Dogan je sistem-inženjer konsultant za sigurnost u timu za ključne tehnologije EMEAR Central regije. Pre 17 godina započeo je karijeru u IT-u u akademskoj mreži, provodeći vreme u laboratoriji za istraživanje i razvoj raznih mrežnih operativnih sistema. Radio je i kao inženjer za podršku i prodaju kod distributera rešenja za IT sigurnost, dok se konačno nije pronašao u IronPortu, gde ga je Cisco preuzeo s ostatkom kompanije 2007. Hrvojevi stručni interesi uključuju sigurnost u IT-u, mreže i integraciju sistema. Kako mu je misija činiti stvari da rade, veruje u celoživotno učenje i koristi svaku priliku za širenje svojih pogleda. U slobodno vreme, trudi se provesti što je moguće više vremena u prelepom podvodnom svetu.
Vedran Hafner Cisco Jabber
Opis prezentacije: Nakon 14. godina razvoja IP komunikacija unutar kompanija došlo je vreme gde objedinjene komunikacije nisu samo zamena jedne tehnologije drugom, nego stvarno unapređenje poslovnog modela i procesa. Penetracijom specijalno mobilnih platformi uglavnom baziranih na IOS i Android platformama plodno je tlo za uvođenje nove generacije komunikacijske platforme gde Cisco uvođenjem Jabber familije proizvoda omogućava korisnicima jednako iskustvo komuniciranja bilo da koriste Windows, MAC ili mobilne uređaje. Saznajte koje su prednosti korišćenja Cisco Jabber rešenja te šta tehnički stoji iza implementacije Cisco Jabber platforme. Biografija: Vedran Hafner je zadužen za tehničku podršku u sklopu Cisco kancelarije u Republici Hrvatskoj. Vedranova područja interesa protežu se od Unified Communications tehnologija do tehnologija potrebnih za izgradnju savremenih data centara. Takođe je radio s pristupnim Ethernet tehnologijama, pomažući u razvoju kako telekomunikacijskih sistema, tako i mreža za potrebe obrazovnih i vladinih institucija.
Josip Zimet SAP i Cisco u privatnom oblaku
Biografija: Josip Zimet radi u kompaniji Cisco od 1998. godine. Poseduje prestižni Cisco certifikat od 2000. godine. Trenutno radi kao Specijalist za prodaju data centara,virtualizacije i clouda u jugoistocnoj Evropi. Pre Cisca radio je u kompaniji T HT na informatizaciji direkcije telekomunikacija primenom mreže usmerivača za SNA, Decnet, Novell I IP mrežne protokole.
Dirk Anteunis Cisco Prime NMS rešenja za SP
Biografija: Dirk Anteunis has over 25 years of software engineering and services experience with a particular interest in “border zones”: he was involved in the not-yet-converged telecommunications networks as well as the traditional data networks and has substantial experience in application-layer networking. Currently at Cisco Systems as Technical Solutions Architect, with primary focus on Network Management and Operations Support Systems. He applies his NMS experience on Data Center & Virtualization and/or Managed Services projects. At Oracle he worked 2.5 years as a Technical Director, responsible for setting up a competency center in Jordan, for delivery of highly available information technology in the wireless, mobile, and telecommunications industry. At DIGITAL Equipment he worked in various positions within the Communications Industry segment in design, implementation and/or service delivery of DECmcc & TeMIP Network Management Systems, DECss7, CRM or Trouble Ticketing as well as business applications. A NATting gateway for DECnet over X.25 or IP, extensions to the OpenVMS loginout functionality for a customer service application suite, or mobile e-mail over X-25 were the starting points of his networking career. Dirk Anteunis has an Engineering Degree in Computer Science from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, Faculty of Applied Sciences, specializing in numerical mathematics.
Segei Gotchev SP WiFi sesija #1 – Core
Session description: The ASR5000 enables mobile operators to provide Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC) services to subscribers with dual-mode handsets and dual-mode access cards via WiFi access points. This technology makes it possible for operators to provide secure access to the operatorŒs 3G network from a non-secure network, reduce the load on the macro wireless network, enhance in-building wireless coverage, and make use of existing backhaul infrastructure to reduce the cost of carrying wireless calls. This ASR5000 software release provides WLAN-to-3GPP network interworking functionality. The session will describe several methods (client based and clientless) of terminating WiFi access and integrating it with the existing packet core network. Biography: Sergei is experienced telecom, IP networks, and IP security professional, acting as a consulting network engineer with rich background on IT and Telco markets in EMEAR. In the past I’ve been working in different operators (telco and ISP) in Vienna as well as vendors Nokia Australia and Nokia Austria, NSN Austria, Starent UK and since the Starent merger I am with Cisco, based in Austria. Za svo vreme rada, fokus su mu infrastrukturne IP tehnologije, voice tehnologije I Cloud resenja. Kao aktivan CCSI instruktor najčešće je angažovan za specijalističke Cisco autorizovane kurseve iz oblasti R&S i voice.
Dragan Miladinović, RRC Žarko Stupar, RRC ViBRICK – kompletno rešenje za Data Centar
Opis prezentacije: Na ovoj sesiji će biti predstavljeno kompletno konsolidovano Data Centar rešenje – ViBRICK. ViBRICK je sačinjen od Cisco, EMC i VMware komponenti i predstavlja prvi korak kompanija ka dinamičnoj i fleksibilnoj IT infrastrukturi. Poseban focus sesije je integracija između Cisco, EMC i VMware komponenti. Biografija: Žarko Stupar je diplomirao na Elektrotehnickom Fakultetu u Beogradu 2011., na smeru Racunarska Tehnika. Od Maja 2011, je na poziciji EMC Sales inzinjera u kompaniji RRC, zaduzen za EMC product portfolio, kao i ViBrick konvergentnu infratsukturu. Poseduje EMC Proven Proffesional sertifikaciju i specijalizovan je za EMC core storage proizvode i konvergentnu infrastrukturu.
Mladen Krivokuća, Asseco Savremeni data centri u primeni
Opis prezentacije: Prezentacija opisuje kako se danas primenjuju savremena resenja za Data Centre, ali i kako izgledaju resenja koja nam dolaze u buducnosti. Takođe, biće prikazani načini na koji se colokupni sistemi uklapaju u ideju virtualizovanog Data Centra, kao i ovakvog koncepta rešenja za kompanije. Biografija: Kao Senior System Consultant Mladen Krivokuća radi u kompaniji Asseco SEE (bivsi Pexim Solutions) od 2007. godine. Do danas je realizovao veliki broj projekata koji podrazumevaju dizajn i kreiranje naprednih resenja za Data Centre razlicitih profila i namena. Pored navedenog, poseduje iskustvo vezano i za Business Continuity i Disaster Recovery projekte.
Jelena Kljujić, Comutel The future of Video Delivery: OTT Multiscreen system implementation overview
Opis prezentacije: Televizija u pokretu ili: bilo koji video sadržaj, bilo kada – bilo gde; na potpuno novi način oblikuje shvatanje zabave, edukacije i poslovanja. Internet je već transformisao celokupnu telekomunikacionu industriju omogućivši novim akterima na tržištu poput Skype da ugroze telekom operatere po pitanju pružanja telefonskih usluga i na taj način prouzrokuju značajan pad cena na VoIP tržištu. Danas, Internet TV prerušen u identičan look and feel IPTV usluge pretenduje da preuzme primat u distribuciji video sadržaja kao i advertajzingu. Comutel, kao regionalni lider u sferi dizajna i implementacije različitih video rešenja u okviru svoje partnerske sesije daje pregled Over The Top tehnologije kao i praktično iskustvo u implementaciji iste. Biografija: Jelena Kljujić, CCIE #30037 je deo Comutel tima od 2010. godine. Kao sales engineer zadužena je za dizajn sistema za prenos video sadržaja. Tehničke specijalizacije: DVB-T/T2, IPTV i OTT.
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