Oktobar 26 |
U Beogradu će se 26. oktobra 2010. godine u hotelu Holiday Inn održati IDC Business Intelligence Roadshow 2010, sa radnim nazivom “Prioritizing for Renewed Opportunities“. Ovaj skup će se baviti temama iz oblasti poslovne inteligencije, a kotizacije za predstavnike firmi čija osnovna delatnost nije ICT su besplatne.
08:30 | Registration and Welcome Coffee |
09:00 | IDC Keynote Presentation: The Next Wave of Business Intelligence Thomas Vavra, Research Director, IDC CEMA As centeral and east European countries emerge from the global economic crisis, the value of business intelligence (BI) as a tool to realize greater efficiency and cost control is even more tangible. Not only did BI technologies weather the economic downturn well, but in many cases their importance grew. At the same time, the landscape is changing as new platforms, processes, and technologies emerge. This presentation will look at the constants in BI development and adoption in CEE, as well as what new considerations may be taken into account as companies prepare for the next stage of BI evolution. Guest Keynote Presentations:
Platinum Partner Presentations:
10:50 | Coffee Break |
11:10 | Gold Partner Presentations:
12:20 | Panel Discussion |
13:00 | Lunch |
14:00 | Silver Partner Presentations:
16:00 | Panel Discussion |
16:45 | Close of Conference |
Za predstavnike kompanija čija primarna delatnost nije ICT prisustvovanje konferenciji je besplatno.
Predstavnici ICT kompanija za prisustvovanje konferenciji treba da plate kotizaciju u iznosu od 200 evra.
Za ovu konferenciju se možete prijaviti online.
Zorana Pavlović: zpavlovic@idc.com ili +381 11 2129040.
Tags: konferencije, poslovna inteligencija, softver
Autor: Vladimir Trkulja
1 komentar
Oktobar 20th, 2010 at 11:38
1Ovo je jedna od zaista dobrih i kvalitetnih DWH/BI/MDM konferencija na našim prostorima.
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