Mobile AppCamp

Mobile AppCamp održaće se od 30. novembra do 2. decembra u Skoplju, Makedonija, sa početkom u 17 časova. U toku 72 časa učesnici će naučiti da dizajniraju, programiraju i lanchuju komercijalne mobilne aplikacije za smartphonove sa operativnim sistemom. Kamp spaja developere i mobilne startapove sa iskusnim stručnjacima i uspešnim preduzetnicima.
Friday, November 30th 2012
- 17:00 Participants registration
- 17:45 Official opening
- 18:15 Coffee break
- 18:30 Motivation Speech
- 18:45 Internationalization of mobile start-ups/
Crowdfunding and crowdsourcing - 19:30 Dinner
- 20:00 Pitching ideas
- 21:00 Networking party
Saturday, December 1st 2012
- 08:00 Breakfast and teams registration
- 09:00 Mobile Ecosystem – current and future trends in mobile technology
- 09:45 Coffee break
- 10:00 Market research for mobile apps
- 10:45 Coffee break
- 11:00 App Development
- 14:00 Lunch
- 15:00 Office hours with mentors
- 17:00 Multicultural business collaboration skills
- 17:45 Coffee break
- 18:00 App Development
Sunday, December 2nd 2012
- 08:00 Breakfast
- 09:00 Mobile app development
- 09:45 Coffee break
- 10:00 Commercial strategies and Intellectual Property of mobile start-ups
- 10:45 Coffee break
- 11:00 Investment readiness
- 11:45 Coffee break
- 12:00 App Development
- 14:00 Lunch
- 15:00 Office hours with mentors
- 16:00 Prototype submission
- 18:00 Final pitches
- 21:00 Announcing winners and awards
- 22:00 -Afterparty
Registracija je besplatna, ali je broj učesnika ograničen. Možete se prijaviti ovde.
Korisni linkovi
Autor: ITD Ekipa