Timisoara Google Developer Group Meetup #2

U Temišvaru (Rumunija) će se u subotu, 26. januara 2013. godine održati sastanak lokalne Google Developer grupe, na lokaciji City Business Centre. Događaj je besplatan za sve zainteresovane, a na njemu će fokus biti na Android i Arduino sistemima, fleksibilnim interfejsima i mnogim drugim stvarima.
Second meeting will feature a consistent international participation and a handful of interesting talks for attendees interested in Google’s developer technology.
The event is free and open to everyone interested in the subjects discussed. The agenda consists of the following presentations:
Monetize your apps! – Tal Futeran (StartApp inc. – New York)
In this session Tal will lay out the option and different models to monetize your Android app. We’ll review several of the most popular models and discuss the pros and cons of each while trying to match each model to specific app types for best results.
Tal is a part of StartApp’s marketing team. She is in charge of StartApp’s marcom and social media, besides managing developer account. A main focus is building and maintaining connections with developer communities around the world, from small meetups to international conventions. Past positions include implementation and integration of products in customers’ environments at TEOCO and customer support at TTI Telecom. She holds a B.sc in industrial engineering and management from Tel Aviv University.
New from CES: Augmented Reality and Smart Things – Dan Romescu (Augmented Citizen Foundation – Germany)
Open Social Web activist, started in 2007 with friends visioning the future of our society: a open, innovative, green, transparent = Sichtweitig Society. Augmented Citizen is where we must to tend…
Interest: Socionetics (Social Network Physics), Augmented Reality, Artificial/Hybrid Intelligence Patterns and Neurophysics. Guided by a belief that the information can be reached “wherever you are, with a minimum effort and maximum relevance from everyone”.
Use your Android device to control the real life – Alexandru Iovanovici
This will be a hands-on session showing different application using Android and Arduino embedded system.
Alexandru Iovanovici is a Teaching and Research Assistant/Ph.D. Student at the “Politehnica” University of Timisoara. He is also teaching C/C++, database design and web development to high school children at Colegiul National C.D. Loga.
Android Crash Course 2 – Madalin Gageanu
Madalin’s presentation will be divided in 2 sessions: data loading basics (how to use AsyncTask and IntentServices for loading data) and designing flexible interfaces
(components and ways to make resolution independent interfaces).
Madalin Gageanu is a software developer with a varied experience and a passion for graphic and user experience design. Working for the last 2 years as an IT consultant at London based ITHR Consulting, he was involved in proof-of-concept and prototype projects. He’s now also a member of the Vodafone Incubation Team in Dusseldorf.
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Autor: ITD Ekipa